We would like to present you with our first ever Tactical Distributors Artist T-Shirt Series. We want to showcase different American artists style and point of view.

About the Artist - Jude Aurilio
In his words - I'm from Va. Beach, Va. Tattooer since 2001. I prefer Americana style tattooing, bold lines and lots of black shading. Tattoos you can see from across a room.
My paintings are all spit shaded/ water color. No markers or computers.
I think that the "Next" painting has an American feel, maybe like the fighting attitude of an american.
Contact Jude:
Instagram: jude_aurilio
Email: judeaurilio@gmail.com

- Do you shoot firearms? I do shoot firearms.
- What’s your fav firearms activity? I shoot 3 gun and USPSA/IDPA. Sponsored by J and L customs and EAA.
- How do were introduced to firearms? I've always had an interest in shooting and firearms. Thanks SOLDIER OF FORTUNE magazine.

- What’s your fav piece of gear? Favorite piece of gear is probably my 10 1/2" 300 Blackout, NOVESKE Infidel rifle.
- Do you have an Everyday Carry item that you can’t live without? My favorite EDC is my Glock 19. Spiced up By Jim Jones of J and L customs.

Jude's design is the first of a 3 tee shirt collection that will be released through out the summer. This is a limited addition tee so put up your dukes & get some!
I would love to do a custom shirt with you guys! Prosponsored Tattoo Artist and 24/7 ready kickass if needed! I think this is a awesome idea and would love to see what you guys think of my designs and style!!!!! Great idea and I been telling other tactical brands this should happen glad to see you guys are on top of this!!! Super badass!!!! Can’t wait to get my set Jude. Much respect!!!