backpack and gear laid out

Whether you're heading out on a multi-day backpacking expedition or a short weekend getaway, having the right gear is important if you want to have a successful and enjoyable experience. Items like tactical backpacks, clothing, navigation tools, and safety equipment are all essential in guaranteeing that your trip is a success and you stay safe.

In this post, we’ll explore the must-have gear that every tactical and outdoor enthusiast should have on hand when preparing for their next adventure. We’ll also share some of our recommendations for items that we offer right here at TD. From tactical bags and cases to clothing and navigation tools, we've got you covered with the best of the best!

Tactical Backpacks

If you want to have a successful backpacking trip, it's important to have a reliable backpack. You should search for a backpack that is designed for outdoor and tactical use, thinking about factors such as durability, comfort, storage capacity, and organization features. Brands like Viktos, Cyre Precision, and Vertx are known for their high-quality backpacks that cater to the needs of tactical and outdoor enthusiasts. It's important to choose a backpack that fits your body comfortably, has adjustable straps for weight distribution, and has enough compartments and pockets to keep your gear organized and easily accessible.

If you’re in the market for a new backpack, we offer plenty of high-quality options right here at TD. You can browse our wide selection of tactical backpacks today. The Viktos 25L Backpack and the Tasmanian Tiger Modular Pack 30 are great choices, but we have a wide range of options, so there’s something for everyone. If you’re looking for even more variety, then check out our complete collection of tactical bags & cases.

Tactical Clothing

When it comes to backpacking, choosing the right clothing is also really important for comfort, protection, and just the overall enjoyment of your outdoor adventure. Whether you're trekking through rugged terrain, facing changing weather conditions, or simply trying to pack light, choosing the right clothing can make all the difference. From moisture-wicking base layers to versatile outerwear, finding the perfect combination of clothing guarantees that you stay comfortable, dry, and prepared for whatever nature throws your way. Here are some essentials:

  • Moisture-Wicking Base Layers: Invest in high-quality base layers made from moisture-wicking materials like merino wool or synthetic fabrics. These layers will keep you dry and regulate your body temperature, whether you're sweating on the trail or facing chilly evenings. Check out our selection of tactical base layers for examples.

  • Quick-Drying Pants: When you’re looking for pants, go for lightweight and quick-drying options that provide both durability and flexibility. For more versatility, convertible pants that can easily transform into shorts are also a great choice, especially when dealing with unpredictable weather.

  • Insulating Layers: Carry insulating layers like fleece jackets or down vests to provide warmth during colder periods or at higher altitudes. These layers are lightweight, compressible, and highly effective at trapping body heat. We have plenty of tactical jackets designed for a range of different outdoor activities.

  • Rain Gear: When packing for your trip, you’ll want to bring a rain jacket and pants that are both waterproof and breathable. Look for options that have high waterproof ratings and sealed seams to make sure you stay dry even during unexpected rain showers or heavy downpours.

Navigation Tools

Navigating the wilderness is an essential skill for backpacking enthusiasts, and having the right tools can make all the difference. From topographic maps that provide details about the landscape to compasses that help you find your bearings, these tools are crucial for staying on track and reaching your destination safely. Whether you're using traditional methods or taking advantage of modern technology like GPS devices, having the right navigation tools guarantees that you can confidently explore the great outdoors while staying on course. We recommend these tools:

  • Topographic Maps: To prepare for your exploration, we recommend checking out detailed topographic maps of the areas you plan to visit. These maps contain important information such as elevation, trails, landmarks, and potential water sources.

  • Compass: When it comes to backpacking, having a reliable compass is an absolute must for successful orienteering and navigation. To make the most of this tool, it's important to take the time to become familiar with how to use it before setting out.

  • GPS Device: Consider carrying a handheld GPS device or smartphone app that provides accurate positioning and navigation assistance, especially if you'll be venturing into remote or off-trail areas. Remember to pack extra batteries or a portable charger.

Safety Equipment

When planning a backpacking adventure, safety should be your top priority. The great outdoors can bring unpredictable challenges, but if you have the right safety gear, you can be ready for any situation. Essential items like first aid kits and emergency shelters provide protection and medical supplies. Also, lighting devices and fire starters are good for visibility, warmth, and signaling for help. By prioritizing safety equipment, you can enjoy your backpacking experience with peace of mind, knowing that you're prepared for any unexpected emergencies. Here are some important safety items to consider:

  • First Aid Kit: Carry a comprehensive first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, blister treatments, and any personal medications you may need.

  • Emergency Shelter: Pack a lightweight emergency shelter such as a bivy sack or a compact tent to protect yourself from unexpected weather or if you become stranded.

  • Lighting: Carry a reliable headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries to make sure you maintain visibility during nighttime or in low-light conditions.

  • Fire Starter: Include a fire starter kit, such as waterproof matches or a lighter, to help you create warmth, cook food, or signal for help in emergencies.

Prep For Your Outdoor Adventures With TD

As a tactical and outdoor enthusiast, having the right gear is crucial for a successful backpacking adventure. From a durable and well-fitting tactical backpack to proper clothing, navigation tools, and safety equipment, each item plays a vital role in enhancing your experience and ensuring your safety in the great outdoors. And remember – it’s important to invest in quality gear that prioritizes functionality, durability, and comfort. With the right equipment, you'll be well-equipped to conquer any trail and create lifelong memories in the great outdoors.